Jane MacPherson

As the youngest of six, Jane learned early that competition is good. Through practice, persistence and passion, Jane also learned how to stand above the crowd. At the age of 7, she became a devoted library summer reader. With every new book, Jane turned the words crafted on the page into a cinematic masterpiece. So, it wasn’t a surprise that Jane’s first advertising job was as a commercial TV copywriter and producer, turning words into images with a meaning. Fast forward many decades later, Jane’s passion is branding – the art of creating a human connection with a company or organization. With a keen eye for design, a passion for storytelling and a knack for problem-solving, no project is too big or small to take on. Jane believes every client is unique with a story to tell. To bring a client’s story to market takes diligence to dive deeper and work harder. As a true team player, Jane enjoys collaborating with creatives to breathe life into ideas for clients.

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